Milk Paint by Fusion


Just Add Water!

Step 1 Mix It

Combine 1 part water to 1 part powder and stir for 1 minute.

Step 2 Paint It

Using any brush, apply Milk Paint to your surface. Each coat dries within 15-30 minutes (yep – speedy!) and can be re-coated immediately once dried.

Step 3 Finish It

Apply a top coat to seal your Milk Paint and bring out the true depth of color! This will also protect your paint for a finish that lasts generations. Hemp oil and furniture wax are great, easy to use options!

Milk Paint is one of the easiest products on the market to use! With our streamlined formula and crafted brushes, we can assure you that you no longer have to worry about uneven application, or noticeable stroke marks on the surface that you are working with. Our products have been developed to be used with ease of application, and are durable and adaptable to an array of surfaces.

The best part is the versatility of finishes to choose from, to achieve your desired effect. Be it a matte finish, glossy surfaces or a high sheen effect... this really is a product made for all.